I've fallen behind on blogging on this site, and will be attempting a weekly blog once again. Today will just be to update you on activities at the church.
We have an interim priest - Pattiann Bennett - who provides a eucharist service on the
first and third Sundays of the month at 7:00 p.m. Her regular church is Saint Michael's All Angels Episcopal in Eureka, where she provides weekly services, as well as a first Wednesday of the month evening prayer service which is sung. She provides services in Libby at our sister church - St. Luke's, on the first and third Sundays at 5:00 p.m., and is available for extra services (weddings, funerals, baptisms, etc.) if we just let her know. We have been very blessed with her service.
Morning prayer is provided at Holy Trinity at
9:00 a.m. on all other Sundays of the month. We take turns with leading, providing reflections (in place of sermons), and trade off with who does what (music, hospitality, readings).
Holy Trinity also sponsors the local Prayer Shawl Ministry, providing prayer shawls, lap blankets, baby blankets, scarves, hats and mittens where needed in the communities of Troy, Libby and Eureka. All religions (or any who just love to knit or crochet) are welcome to contribute as the National Prayer Shawl Ministry is non-denominational. This group meets at
2:00 p.m. every Sunday for two hours. We are also *always* looking for donations of yarn, so if you've got extra yarn that's not being used, if you were left yarn by the passing of a loved one and don't know what to do with it, please consider donating it to the cause. There's a link to the National Prayer Shawl Ministry on the side, if you'd like more information.
While Holy Trinity may be relatively small, we have been sponsoring a monthly Alternative Healing Seminar group - its members believe that we all have knowledge to share that shouldn't cost an arm and a leg, so the seminars can be in the form of lectures, videos, discussion groups, etc. The next one coming up is actually this
Saturday, September 11 at 1:00, with a guest lecturer who will be giving an Introduction to Pranic Healing, so we offer our thanks to Lisa Mountain for her time and energy.
From this group came the concept of a Reiki (or other laying on hands techniques) Share - where practitioners from various forms of energy healing provide a 15 minute session to those who would appreciate the energy, prayers and relief that this work can provide. Each
Tuesday evening at 6:10, the energy group is at the church, and any member of the community is more than welcome. Because we don't charge anything for this service, we do welcome donations to the church to help out with replacing the electricity, paper products, etc. that we use while we're there.
That's where we are right now. We're planning some renovations (painting and some repairs) soon, so any able bodies are of course, quite welcome. :)
Have a great week!