There is exciting news from the Episcopal Church Women's (ECW) organization. They have put together a three-part video series called "Mary Magdalene: Strength and Shame."
The Very Reverend Katherine B. (Kate) Moorehead is the 10th Dean of St. John's Cathedral and Dean of the Diocese of Florida. A Vassar College graduate with a Master of Divinity from Virginia Theological Seminary, Dean Moorehead is the author of three books: Organic God (2006), Between Two Worlds (2004) and Get Over Yourself: God's Here (2009).
Lecture One: Possession by Demons - Mary Magdalene or Mary of Magdala and sometimes The Magdalene, is a religious figure in Christianity. In the New Testament, Jesus cleansed her of "seven demons", sometimes interpreted as referring to complex illnesses. She became Jesus' close friend. (The video is 14:28 minutes long.)
Lecture Two: Dependence on Jesus - Mary became Jesus' close friend. She was most prominent during his last days. When Jesus was crucified by the Romans, Mary Magdalene was there supporting him in his final terrifying moments and mourning his death. She stayed with him at the cross after the male disciples had fled. She was at his burial. (This video is 15:56 minutes long)

Lecture Three: Seeing Resurrection - In all four New Testament Gospels, Mary Magdalene is the first (either alone or with a group of women) to arrive at Jesus' tomb, where she encounters an angel (or a pair of angels) who instructs her to go tell the disciples that Jesus has risen. She was the first person to see Jesus after his Resurrection. Mary was the "apostle to the apostles," according to Augustine. (This video is 12:16 minutes long.)
This series is made possible by the Episcopal Church Women of the Province VI of the Episcopal Church, through a grant from the Province, and the efforts of many women. The series may be accessed by clicking on the links above, or by searching Kate Moorehead/Mary Magdalene on YouTube.
The Very Reverend Katherine B. (Kate) Moorehead is the 10th Dean of St. John's Cathedral and Dean of the Diocese of Florida. A Vassar College graduate with a Master of Divinity from Virginia Theological Seminary, Dean Moorehead is the author of three books: Organic God (2006), Between Two Worlds (2004) and Get Over Yourself: God's Here (2009).
Lecture One: Possession by Demons - Mary Magdalene or Mary of Magdala and sometimes The Magdalene, is a religious figure in Christianity. In the New Testament, Jesus cleansed her of "seven demons", sometimes interpreted as referring to complex illnesses. She became Jesus' close friend. (The video is 14:28 minutes long.)

Lecture Three: Seeing Resurrection - In all four New Testament Gospels, Mary Magdalene is the first (either alone or with a group of women) to arrive at Jesus' tomb, where she encounters an angel (or a pair of angels) who instructs her to go tell the disciples that Jesus has risen. She was the first person to see Jesus after his Resurrection. Mary was the "apostle to the apostles," according to Augustine. (This video is 12:16 minutes long.)
This series is made possible by the Episcopal Church Women of the Province VI of the Episcopal Church, through a grant from the Province, and the efforts of many women. The series may be accessed by clicking on the links above, or by searching Kate Moorehead/Mary Magdalene on YouTube.