Today's video is much about stopping enough to enjoy the love of God, and to remember to send love back to Him. In this time of weird weather, where crocuses think February's a good time to bloom (in Montana!), while we stop and enjoy the fragrance and beauty that manifest as gifts from God, we also need to remember to send thanks and love to God (and maybe a prayer that they'll survive the snow we know isn't finished for the year).
So as we take the time this Lenten season has been asking us to do, and stop, listening for the voice of God - where do you find yourself drawn? Stop again. Look at the path you're on (metaphorically speaking, not physically), and see if you're going in the direction God's drawing you to. If not, why not? Is there a way to change that, so that you can bring your present path in line with where you're drawn? Do you want to? (We always have free will - we don't have to move the direction God would like us to go - just remember that all choices have consequences, good and bad.)
And the last question, if you'd comment below - what makes you feel the love of God immediately?
Our friends at SSJE have shared with us an extra sermon by Brother David Vryhof, specifically addressing this week's theme of Stop, and offers some insights and useful examples of how "we might reorder our relationship with time, so that it may be the gift God intended it to be in our lives."
So as we take the time this Lenten season has been asking us to do, and stop, listening for the voice of God - where do you find yourself drawn? Stop again. Look at the path you're on (metaphorically speaking, not physically), and see if you're going in the direction God's drawing you to. If not, why not? Is there a way to change that, so that you can bring your present path in line with where you're drawn? Do you want to? (We always have free will - we don't have to move the direction God would like us to go - just remember that all choices have consequences, good and bad.)
And the last question, if you'd comment below - what makes you feel the love of God immediately?
Our friends at SSJE have shared with us an extra sermon by Brother David Vryhof, specifically addressing this week's theme of Stop, and offers some insights and useful examples of how "we might reorder our relationship with time, so that it may be the gift God intended it to be in our lives."