Saturday, October 31, 2015

Final Interview with Presiding Bishop Jefferts-Schori

We appreciate the reflections of the final day of Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts-Schori on the last nine years.  She has presided over quite a lot of changes within the Episcopal Church, and is eloquent in her discussion of the nature of humanity.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Eucharist

You know, we will be truly blessed to have the Rev. Michael Curry as our Presiding Bishop.  This is a great view of just what the Eucharist is from the Episcopal perspective.  

Friday, October 16, 2015

Upcoming Events

Holy Trinity will have a time of meditation/prayer prior to the service, beginning at 8:40.  All are welcome to attend both the meditation and the service beginning at 9:00.

The Troy Ministerial Alliance will be holding their All-Church Sing at Faith Christian Center (25 Amber Rd) on Sunday, October 18 at 6:00 p.m.  This tends to be more modern Christian music, but it's a lot of fun worshiping with the community at large.

Holy Trinity will be having their monthly movie night on Saturday, October 24 at 7:00 p.m.  This month's movie is the first in a trilogy:  Revelation Road.  We'll provide popcorn and coffee/tea - if you want anything else, feel free to bring it.  This is open to anybody, so bring a date, a friend, a neighbor, etc.  We've also had people bring pillows or more comfortable chairs, so those are fine too. :)

Hope to see everyone there!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Remarks by the Presiding Bishop Elect

Presiding Bishop Elect Michael Curry answered some questions in a Q&A at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Charlotte, NC.  His interview can be found here.  What is most interesting to me is this statement: "Evangelism," Curry said, "isn’t about converting people – “that’s God’s job, not ours” – but is about helping them “find their way to God.”

This video above is a bit longer and informative.

In the meantime, Montana's Diocese just had their state convention.  Bishop Brookhart's address was quite informative and directly in line with the plans of the National Convention.

Most interesting for our parish was the talk given by Canon Roberts, with handouts being found here, here and here.  What Holy Trinity is looking at is being a place to help people find their way to God, and getting our own foundation down right, we'll be able to do that.

Feel free to comment - we'd be interested in what you have to say.