This will be individual effort this year, focusing on creating time for daily prayer. The Presiding Bishop has requested that all Episcopal Churches participate in the Archbishop of Canterbury's "Global Wave of Prayer" to take place May 10-20, 2018, so getting into the practice of daily prayer will assist that.
Singing Prayers
The Anglican Rosary -
Learning one octet of Psalm 119 every 2 days (picking two days in Lent to give only 1 day, since there are 22); alternatively searching YouTube for songs for any of the Psalms.
Rhyming Prayers
The rhyming couplets found in the Lay Folks Mass Book, provide a wide variety of prayers in the vernacular in Middle English to help in memorization. And they're fun to figure out the words.
Celtic Prayer
Utilizing any of the Celtic Christian resources like the Carmina Gadelica, Celtic Evensong, or the daily office of the Northumbrian Community.
Praying the Hours
Utilizing the Daily Prayer for All Seasons, Lent beginning on Page 72, and organizing anyone interested in signing up for a particular hour for the whole of Lent, until all hours are covered, making it a cooperative effort.
Other Prayer Books
There are prayer books for a wide variety of countries at this web site.