Today's blog is inspired from the sermon of Rev. Dr. Susanna Metz (whole sermon can be found here). What struck me was this section: "In the final verses of today's gospel passage, Jesus tells the disciples that many would come after them who would not have the same experience of him that they did. No one would again walk and talk with him as the disciples had; and yet, these others would also come to believe."
We are those others. And like the apostles and disciples who followed, we meet each week to continue learning about Christ, support one another and are (hopefully) effective witnesses to the life of faith Jesus offers to us. We are today's disciples. And also like the apostles, there are probably many of us who still get a catch in our voice as we realize each year at Easter, the true miracle of Christ's life and resurrection. There is a lightness in our hearts when we are once again able to say, Alleluia! And those things help to lay to rest some of the fears and doubts that we sometimes bring with us, like Thomas, like most people. We know at this time of celebration that when Christ said, "For where two or three are assembled in my name, I am there among them." (Matthew 18:20) - He meant it. So, if Christ were to appear in our midst, would we need to touch his hands and his side? Or would we, like Thomas, be able to simply offer our own profession of faith, in the simple acknowledgment of Christ as our Lord and God?
Welcome to Holy Trinity Church! Holy Trinity is a small parish, located in Troy, Montana right on US Highway 2 at the corner of Third Street and Missoula Avenue. Here you'll find a lovely 'Carpenter Gothic' church with red doors and a garden out front, between the Sanctuary and parish hall doors. See the "About" page for worship times and dates. The Episcopal Church welcomes you!
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