Monday, December 12, 2011

Joy and Laughter

This past Sunday is known as Gaudete Sunday in Advent, and we lit the candle for Joy.  This sermon by the Rev. Dr. Kenneth Carter reminds us that joy and laughter are also gifts from God, and can often help us through difficult times.  The quote here that I like the best comes from writer Peter DeVries:  "Do not assume ... that because I write in comic ways, I am being trivial, and I will not assume, that because you write in serious ways, you are being profound!"

Joy can be found in things great and small.  Last night's gift after the rather serious and staid Candlelighting Ceremony (the atmosphere would be as you expect when you're lighting candles for those who have passed on) was that of snow.  The simple joy of seeing all things made new, pristine and beautiful by a layer of snow lifted our hearts immeasurably, as we already knew that our loved ones resided with God and He takes care of them - even as he reminds us that life must find that balance.

So don't forget to find - and recognize - the joy - God gifts us with it regularly.

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