Wednesday, March 20, 2013


The title of today's reflection brings to mind one thing for an Episcopal - Red Doors.  Interestingly, no one has a definitive answer as to why our churches have red doors.  This article puts forth many suppositions, from religious to tradition to whether the mortgage is paid.

A conversation I recently had with our priest had to do with the different feeling inside Episcopal Churches themselves.  There are churches that, when filled with people, are welcoming and filled with the Spirit - and they're wonderful.  And there are churches that without people in them, feel like buildings.

Episcopal Churches though, give a feeling of welcome and peace and sanctuary, even without someone in them.  To my way of thinking, it starts with the red door, stating to all in a bright, bold manner, this is a place of refuge - not to be violated by anyone.  It's a place of prayer and meditation and worship - and all are welcome.

Like the author of today's reflection, we have several people who need a wheelchair friendly entrance - and what's awesome about Holy Trinity is that not only the main sanctuary door is red, but so is the other entrance.  And like the author's church, Holy Trinity has a Feast to offer behind those doors - and all are welcome.

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