There is an awesome quote in today's reflection: "I may have lost my sight but never my vision."
In this portion of setting goals, the vision of the final outcome is our ideal toward which we strive. As Christians, our model is Christ - and while we're all aware that we'll never actually reach that goal, that vision should be what inspires us. WWJD or "What would Jesus do?" shouldn't just be a catch phrase, but a way of life. As we travel toward our interim goals, and find ourselves straying from the path we've laid out, it's the question that should guide us back to where we either originally intended to go, or sets a new course if the goal needs to be adjusted. The accountability is not just numbers, words or actions - it's also the Spirit who guides our way and helps us keep that vision in sight.
As followers of the Holy Trinity, keep the feast of Spirit incorporated in all we do, so that your Sight may be clear.
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