Monday, February 26, 2018

Lent - Week 3, Day 2

Br. Koester's video today discusses both abiding in God, and helping others to abide with God as well.  "As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love."  This quote from Jesus (John 15:9) can give us such comfort, and yet, how often do we take the time to just feel the love of Christ wash over us?

The other reference Br. Koester makes is to a "soul friend" or "Anam Cara" in Gaelic.  It is often used in the Celtic liturgical churches (and can be Catholic, Church of England, or other Protestant denomination), but is becoming a more popular concept within the United States.  There are a couple of monastic orders which have formed, allowing people to either request to be matched with a spiritual mentor who may become a soul friend, or offering to serve as one to another.

Think about the friendships you have - is there someone who serves as your soul friend?  Someone who serves as a soul friend to you?  And if not, do you think you could establish that sort of relationship with someone?  Someone that would help you abide in Christ's love, much as He abides in the love of God...

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